Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Secret at the opposite of seven name of day


God Ta'ala berfirman with the meaning : " And asks to Bani israil about country which located in near by lau when they impinges order at saturday, time comes to fish fish them ( is residing in around) they is afloat on the surface of water, and in days which is not Saturday the fishs doesn't come to them . Like This We try caused them to apply fasiq ( S.Al-A'raf : 163)
in history from bin moslem Abdullah s(he receives hadits from Sa'id bin Jubair, while Sa'id receives hadits from Anas bin Malik ra. s(he says : Rasulullah SAW, have ever asked about ( event of the) by seven days, hence he(she answers :

the Saturday is trickery day and deception. Then the friends enquired : " What the Saturday told as trickery day and deception yes Rasulullah ? ".

Rasulullah SAW answers: because at Saturday people quraisy does stratagem in darun Nadwah. As told by God in Alqur'an, with the meaning:
" And remembers when infidel people ( quraisy) thought of ways and means to and teachs your or kills your or dissipates your. They thought of stratagem and God to discomfit the stratagem. And God sebaik-baik stratagem replier." ( Sulfur. Al-Anfal : 30)

Do now , in fact man who is having Buraq, becoming Mr. at agreement (end day) as well as as its(the courier Matter which monarchic has the is being, doesn't name Saturday with day stratagem, but he(she names it as day trickery full and deception, because there are seven man who deluded at that day by seven factions.

first event:

Prophet Nuh in deluding by its(the clan this thing is as which has in say by God in Alqur'an " And does very big stratagem" ( S. Nuh : 22).

Finally the clan borne down upon awful hurricane floods. as told by God in its(the say with the meaning:

" Hence We open door of skies by reducing water which tersurah. And We make earth to transmit wellsprings hence meeting the water for one really business has been specified." ( Sulfur. Al-Qamar : 11,12)

to be continue.....

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