Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

Holy Qur'an is the source of knowledged, Man genesis According

Holy Qur'an is the revelation of God is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad to be submitted to all the people in the world, the Qur'an that deal with human life and believe that the Koran is the source of all sources of knowledge, which includes all branches science, one of them is the origin of human.

Man Genesis according to Islam

We are as believer who is confessing and believes foundation of believe which six, hence have been as proper of we confess that Al Qur'an is the only literature that is most correct and haves the character of global for science.

" Book ( Al Qur'an) indium there is no doubt to [him]; guide for they godfearing ( that is) they religious to which ghaib....." ( QS. Al Baqarah ( 2) : 2-3)

By paying attention to the sentence hence we shouldn't need to fly low faces people who to deny truth of description about man genesis. This thing is because of they don't have main element explained in Al Qur'an that is Iman to which Ghaib. This actually seen also in statements released by them in elaborating the problem that is always is started with possibility word, estimated, pl p2 etc. Jadi actually the hesitating the inventors by what they state.

Man case step :

a) Case Process of First Man ( Adam)

In Al Qur'an it is explained that Adam created by God from dry soil then formed by God with form that is as well as possible. After perfected hence by God is blown ruh to it hence s(he becomes life. This thing affirmed by God in His firman :

" What makes which He to create as well as possible and Yang to start creation of man from soil;land;ground". ( QS. Ace Sajdah ( 32) : 7)

" And in fact Kami has created man ( Adam) from drought clay ( is coming) from black mud given form". ( QS. Al Hijr ( 15) : 26)

Side that is God also explains in detail about creation of first man of that is dalah letter Al Hijr sentence 28 and 29 . In a Hadits Rasulullah saw word :

" its(in fact the man comes from the Adam and Adam ( created) from soil;land;ground". ( HR. Bukhari)

b) Case Process of Second Man ( Siti Hawa)

Basically all thing created by God in this world always in a state of couple. That way the things of with man, God wants creates its(the oposite gender to be made life closed friend ( wife). This thing explained by God in wrong of sati His firman :

" The Most Holy God has created couples altogether, either from what grown by earth and from x'self they nor what which they do not know" ( QS. Yaasiin ( 36) : 36)

As for case process of this second man by God is explained in letter An Nisaa ' article 1 that is :

" Hi all man, having godfearing to your God which has created you from alone, and from it God creates its(the wife, and than both God multiplies men and a real woman many..." ( QS. An Nisaa' ( 4) : 1)

In one of Hadits history by Bukhari and Muslim is explained :

" Hence in fact the woman created from Adam rib" ( HR. Bukhari-Muslim)

If we observe case process of this second man, hence in indirect the relation of men man and woman through marriage is business to reunite rib which has been locked out of place initialy in the form of other. With the marriage hence will born descendant which will continue its(the generation.

c) case process three ( all Adam and Eve descendants)

Case of third man is case of all descendants of Adam and Eve except Nabi Isa as. In process of this side able to be evaluated according to Al Qur'an and Al Hadits earns also is evaluated medically.

In Al Qur'an case process of man biologically explained detailedly passed His firman :

" And in fact We has created the man from a gist ( comes) from soil;land;ground. Then We make gist sperm ( what kept) in sturdy place ( womb). Then the sperm We makes blood clod, then the blood clod We made flesh clod, and the flesh clod We makes bonees, then the bonees We wrapped with flesh. so We makes s(he is creature which ( be in the form) other. Hence The Most Holy God , Best Creator." ( QS. Al Mu'minuun ( 23) : 12-14).

Then in one of hadits Rasulullah SAW word :

" Has uttered Rasulullah SAW and correct him(her and confirmed. In fact a between you to collect of its(the forming ( its(the case) in its(the mother womb ( embryo) during fourty days. Then during the time also ( fourty days) made blood clod. Then during the time also ( fourty days) made flesh rasher. Then is delegated some angels to breeze ruh to it ( writes down/specifies to) four sentences ( kinds) : its(the fortune, doom ( its(the age), its(the charitable, and good ugly ( its(the chance)." ( HR. Bukhari-Muslim)

Scientific expression from Al Qur'an and Hadits 15 centuries ago has become research material to all biologist to deepen science about man physic organs. Hereinafter intended in Al Qur'an with " essence comes from soil;land;ground" as human life ground substance is protein, food gist;saris which we eat which all coming and living by soil;land;ground. That then through the metabolism process in body between it is yielding hormone ( sperm), then result from nuptials ( the relation of sexual), hence happened integration between sperms ( boy) and ovum ( woman egg cell) in womb. Then proceeds so realizing form of man who is perfect ( like explained in sentence is upper).

The experts from west has just found growth problem of embryo step by step in the year 1940 and has just been proved in the year 1955, but in Al Qur'an and Hadits which is derivable 15 centuries then this thing had written. This very amazes for one of the embriolog is notable from America that is Prof. Dr. Keith Moore, he(she tells : " I am amazed at accuracy of ilmiyah statement of Al Qur'an which is derivable at century 7 M". Besides iti he(she also tells, " From expression Al Qur'an and hadits many inspiring the scientist ( scientist) now to know development of human life started with single cell ( zygote) formed when ovum ( female sex cells) fruit of by sperm ( male sex cells). All the things has not been known by Spalanzani up to its(the experiment at century 18, and so do idea about development yielded from genetic planning from chromosome zygote has not been found to end of century ke-19. But far before all Al Qur'an has affirmed from Him germ ( God) creates it and then ( hadits explains that God) determines its(the characters and chance."

As real evidence in research of genetics science ( foetus) that during embriyo resides in in contents of there are three masks closing over it is abdomen wall ( stomach) mother, uterine wall ( womb), and thin layer amichirionic ( darkness in stomach, darkness in womb, and darkness in membrane which closes/wraps child of in womb). This thing simply hardly fitting in with what explained by God in Al Qur'an :

"... He makes you in your mother stomach case for the shake of case in three darkness ( darkness in stomach, darkness in womb, and darkness in membrane closing chlid in womb)..." ( QS. Az Zumar ( 39) : 6).

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