Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Victory of Islam in Syam, Iraq, and Yaman

Islamic Religion would in taking care of by its(the owner God Azza Wa Jalla, to end of epoch. Unnecessary is worried. Even if infidel people tries vanishs this God religion. But, they have never successfully realizes it. Because, Islam is religion fitrah which has become part of human life. Man avalanche which is not receives this God religion, depicts evidence from its the original. And, Islam always grows in all nature angle, and man in large numbers the God religion admission.

When beginning of da'wah submitted by Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wassalam greeting in jazirah Arab, a lot refuses its the invitation, and not be rather outspoken opposed it. Even, between them something to fight Rasulullah. But, da'wah submitted by Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting always runs, have never desists, because action of infidel people opposing it. Hence, one after another region which far from Madinah, then receives da'wah Rasulullah, and they are Islam admission. Until all Arab peninsula ‘ bag ' comes into God religion. This is da'wah done by Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting.

Until at one time, Al-Irbad bin Sariyah history from Nabi Shallahu alaihi wa greeting, that he(she preachs down fore part [by] the muslimin, “ Wahai man. Ere long, all of you will become army in sending to various wilayah,yaitu army struggling in Syam, army struggling in Iraq, and army struggling in Yaman”. The muslimin greets it is fully likes goal. They will become the emancipators, liberater wide regions, and later becomes part of Islam region, which have been freed.

Hears sermon Rasulullah shallahu alaihi was greeting, Ibnu Hawalah says : “ Yes Rasulullah, if I came up with a period of that, select;chooses for me, to group of army going to such is better if I to follow?”. Hereinafter, Prophet Shallahu alaihi wa greeting, word : ” I choose Syam for your, because Syam is choice the muslimin and God choice country. He collects over there His chosen creature. IF refuse to there, shall go to Yaman. And, given drinks with its(the gidir. Because that thing also fullfills ( my setara)bagi, from Syam and its(the resident”. ( HRATH-THABRANI and al-Bazzaar). The scorpion, what meant by Baginda Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting, country Syam, no other is Palestinian region, and its surroundings, now is including Syria, Palestina, Lebanon, Yordania. How, Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting, promises august place to struggle advocates His religion, in soil;land;ground which is choice in upholding jihad.

Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting touchs about Islam future and the muslimin, that is Islam will disseminate wide to every earth angle, that ‘ futuhat ' Islam will trot catching up proposes and knocks door of Syam, Iraq, and Yaman. Later, what predicted by Rasulullah Shallahu alaihi wa the greeting, proven. And, wide regions of that, starts from Syam ( Palestinian) up to Iraq, and Yaman, altogether receives Islam. Nothing like region that is is not touched by Islam, and da'wah Rasulullah shallahu alaihi wa greeting.

God Ta'ala berfirman : “ And, no said by it is ( al-Qur'an) according to willingness of its(the passion atmosphere. The utterance no other only apocalipse made a night of it ( to it).” ( al-Qur'an : An-Najm : 3-4).

It all is not realized except, because a real persistent struggle the Islam combatants, which candid with sells x'self and possession they by God to propagate His religion, and confirms its(the pillars. Victorys of Islam that is always takes place in all region jazirah Arab, up to region biladul Syam, unlikely can happened, except they have divorced world as owner of purpose of high, that is menjdi of the mujahidin in walking God, that they reach for wrong from sua best thing, that is victory or dies in a holy war. So, they become dweller surge. Heaven under wings of sword. They which has divorced enjoyment of world, and berjihad in walking God, advocates His religion, and leaves all world influences, a real not meaned for people mukmin, what hungers for life dignity in eternity/the beyond.

Victorys and conquest reached for by the muslimin, finite finally world love masters liver many the muslimin. Then, they have falled headfirst in embrace kenikmattan of world, becomes lowly, and was not daunted again by Islam enemys, or infidel people. Love a world of becoming tujuah life they the, makes the negligent muslimin from God and jihad in the way, and finally situation becomes very grievous. Like condition today experienced by the muslimin, becoming beggarly, and scattered defeated by its(the enemys, because they have leaved jihad.

This grievous event, effect [of] most Islam country that is former is Islam flag flags over there, and from its(the mosque towers is echoed [by] adzan, this time no more its(the relationship with Islam, and the muslimin. Like Islam countrys, the is present, in Mid-East area, which its(the leaders, especially the Raja, Presiden, and Sultan, have been wraped with world affluence, and [shall] no longer thought of Islam, and jihad fights against Islam enemys, now outspoken breaks Islam. These all not happened except because world love.

In a hadist uttered by Rasulullah : “ Non poorness which I worry is upper all of you. Which I worryed of was if world overflowed to all of you, as overflowed to people who before all of you, lalau all of you competes fights over it, as they ahead fights over it, and finally the world makes all of you breakdown, as has made mreka breakdown”. ( HR. Buchari and Muslim).

The muslimin have never got dignity and feather in one's cap, during they love world, and they will affront under enjoyment foot/feet palm of world. Wallahu ‘ nature.


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