Minggu, 11 Januari 2009


In the year 1929, in Observatorium California Mount Wilson, Astronomer is having nationality America Edwin Hubble to present one of the biggest invention in history of astronomy. When observing the stars with giant telescope, she discovers that light from the the stars changes tip of its the spectrum becomes squeezing and that this change more clarifyingly that it the stars going away from earth. This invention influential for science world, because according to physics order which have been confessed, light spectrum blinks which is peripatetic comes near place of the observation tends to comes near purple colour, while light spectrum the blinks is going away from place of the observation tends to comes near ruddling. Mean, the the stars go away from we permanently.

Old before all, Hubble finds a real important other invention: peripatetic Star and galaxy gone away not merely from us, but also is each other go away. The only conclusion which can be pulled from a the universe where all stars and galaxy go away from other star and galaxy is that the universe ' increases wide's permanently.

To be more comprehends it, the universe can be considered to be surface of bursting balloon. Because parts on the surface of this balloon is each other aparts in consequence of pumping or distension, this thing applies also for objects in space that is is each other aparts in consequence of always increases the universe broadness.

Actually, this theory has been found is far before all. Albert Einstein, what assumed is the biggest scientist of century 20, has concluded in the its the physics theory after through careful calculation that the dynamic the universe and not statis. But however, he has put down its(the invention not for be against statis the universe model theory which have been confessed wide in its(the epoch. Einsten then identifies the action as the biggest mistake along the length of its(the scientist career. Thereafter, becomes clearly through observation of Hubbles that the universe increases wide.

So, what is necessary from the fact that the universe increases wide to process the happening of the universe?

The universe increasing the wide indicates that if the universe can go backward in the case of time, hence proven the universe come from ' point of unique'. Calculation is indicating that point of this unique containing understanding of all the matters or matter in the universe has ' null volume ' and ' unlimited closeness'. The universe happened caused by explosion from point of unique having volume this null. His(its awful remarkable explosion so-called this awful explosion marks beginning of strarting of the universe.

' Null volume ' be set of teoretis applied for purpose of presentation. Science can specify concept ' un-situation', which beyond man understanding boundarys reach, with only lays open it as ' a point having volume null'. The universe emerges from ' un-situation'. Equally, the the universe is created.

The big bang theory indicates that initially, all objects in the universe is one parts and then is separated. This reality, posed at with big bang theory, expressed in Al-Qur'an 14 centuries then, when man still having knowledge that is very limited about the universe:

Doesn't infidel people understand that sky and earth initialy unites ( as one unities in creation), then both We dissociated? From water We makes life anything. Didn't they will believe also? ( Letter al-Anbiyaa', 30)

Like the one expressed in the sentence, any kind, even in ' celestial and earth ' which has not been created even a, created with a big bang from a point of unique, and forms the present the universe by separate each other.

If we compared statement of the sentence with big bang theory, hence we know that the sentence fully fitts in with the theory. But, has just at century ke-20, Awful Explosion told as scientific theory.

The wide-speading of the the universe is one of all important evidence that the universe created from un-situation. Though this reality is not found by science until century ke-20, God has explained to us this reality in Al-Qur'an, 1400 years past:

With power of We builds firmament, and We creating wide space. ( Letter adz-Dzaariyaat, 47)

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